Joeys at Home – With Sam Bertram

Year 12 student Sam Bertram shares with us an insight as to how he is handling continuing to learn from home.

Name: Sam Bertram
Favourite subject: Modern History
Favourite sport: Basketball
Favourite meal at school: Chicken Tenders

What do you miss most about being at Joeys? I really miss my mates. As cliché as it sounds its true. Going from a setting where we live together to not seeing each other is weird. Due to these circumstances we now have limited opportunity to spend the time we usually spend together at school. Especially being our last year at Joeys I know a lot of us hope to spend as maximum time together so as a group we can bring as many memories out of it as we can.

In hindsight, what did you take for granted before the lockdown? Face to face learning. The fantastic teachers and resources available for us at Joeys are truly incredible. Being away from Joeys has most definitely made me realise the importance and convenience of learning in a classroom. I feel a lot of students, especially us older boys going through the HSC are keen for the opportunity to return to a classroom environment which is so rich in academic support.

What have you learnt about yourself, through Offsite learning? I have learnt that I am still capable of personal goals through consistent work. As hard as motivation is to find, I feel I still have the opportunity to achieve personal success if I stay active to my academic goals. 

How have you maintained your focus and motivation whilst learning offsite? Not wanting to fall behind. I know it’s a tough period in terms of mind motivation, however the stakes this year are too high to not do anything. We have no choice but to put our heads down and just do the work, yet I know in the greater scheme of things that the hard work in these times are going to really pay off if work ethic stays consistent.

What advice would you pass on to a boy in Years 7 and 8? I would say that I know this unusual, but it’s affecting all of us. I sympathise that you perhaps haven’t had the opportunity to experience the full Joey’s culture yet, and also haven’t been able to grow stronger mate ships throughout this period. However, it will be all over soon enough, I say not only to younger boys but all boys to make the most of all opportunities when immersed back into Joeys life, as I think all boys over this period have realised how amazing Joey’s is in providing such a broad range of opportunities for personal growth.

Favourite meal you have had at home? Everything and anything. Having Dad cooking everyday is something I will miss going back to school.

What has been your favourite part of continuing to learn from home? The comfort of home is always really nice. It’s great to spend more time with family and have home cooked meals.

What personal traits will you better utilise when you return to Joeys? Work ethic. It’s going to be a long and hard last couple of terms, and in order to get the most out academically a consistent work ethic is paramount. In addition, I hope personally I can help and motivate some peers to also gain their goals whatever they be.

What part of your normal day are you missing the most? The little things I guess. Any little opportunity to spend time with mates.

What does being a ‘Joeys Boy’ mean to you? Being a Joeys boy means a lot. It means I know I have mates that are going to be around me perhaps for the rest of my life. I don’t think there are many other places you can build such strong friendship connections than at Joeys, and for this reason I am extremely grateful.